International Council of Women's
CSW 67 Events
5-17 March 2023
During this year Commission on the Status of Women, the International Council of Women (ICW-CIF) will be hosting several Parallel Events at the NGO CSW Forum. You will find a detailed list of our events on this page.
Our members and their affiliates will also be having events.

To get more information on events taking place at the UN and Side Events :
To get more informations on Parallel Events :
Our parallel events are registered on “Whova”, the platform used as NGO CSW67 Forum’s main online platform .
Remarks by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations at the Opening of the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
The Agreed Conclusions are the primary output document of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
The UN Commission on the Status of Women reaffirms the role of technology and innovation, and education in the digital age in accelerating gender equality.
Here are the CSW67 agreed conclusions :
6 March 2023 - 4:30 to 6:00PM at the CCUN - 10th floor
Women's Empowerment through Education and Training in the Digital Age
- in English
This event will convene experts to discuss and showcase factors of the current gender gap in innovation, technology and education, to explore measures and best practices to create an enabling environment to counter gender-stereotypes related to women’s empowerment and training in technological fields as well as to devise strategies and share actions that lead to gender equality and to the empowerment of women and girls such as gender responsive vocational training and capacity development programs which are critical for the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Meet our Panelists
Justine Sass
Chief of the Section of Education for Inclusion and Gender Equality, UNESCO
Dr. Diego Antoni
Policy Specialist on Gender, Governance and Crisis Prevention, UNDP
Avital Mimran-Rosenberg
Councellor for Human Rights, Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations
Noro Ravaozanany
Member of the Coordination of Réseau Francophone pour l’Egalité Femme-Homme (RF-EFH) and President of Focus Development Association-Madagascar
Linda Liu
Former Vice-President of the International Council of Women
Monday 6 March 2023
4:30 to 6:00 PM
CCUN 10th Floor
777 United Nations Plaza, NY
7 March 2023 - 4:30 to 6:00 PM at CCUN - 11th floor
Political and Economic Empowerment of Women in the Digital Age with the Korean Institute for Women and Politics (KIWP)
- in English
The digital age opens up new transformative opportunities for women which may enhance equal economic opportunities, foster the political empowerment and help to achieve greater gender equality. However, a wide digital gender divide exists in access to and use of digital technology and digital technology also has the potential to exacerbate existing gender inequalities. This event convenes a panel of experts to discuss policies and measures to promote the use of technology as a tool for women’s empowerment, to provide women and girls with equal access to digital skills and products, to build capacities of women and girls in digital skills and leadership, and to use of ICT to increase political participation and leadership.

Meet our Panelists
Dr. Jungsook Kim
Immediate Past President of the International Council of Women (ICW-CIF); Former Member of the National Assemply, Republic of Korea
Irene Natvidad
President, Global Summit of Women
President of GlobeWomen Research and Education Institute
Caren Grown
Senior Fellow in the Center for Sustainable Development at the Brookings Institution
Global Director for Gender at the World Bank Group
Former Senior Technical Advisor in the Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment Global Practice
Viviane Teitelbaum
Member of the Parliament of Brussels and feminist
President, the European Center of International Council of women (ECICW)
Pam Rajput
Professor (Emeritus) of Panjab University in Women’s Studies and Development
Renowned activist in women’s movement
Linda Liu
Former Vice President, International Council of Women
Tuesday 7 March 2023
4:30 to 6:00 PM
CCUN 11th Floor
777 United Nations Plaza, NY
8 March 2023 - 4:30 to 6:00 PM at CCUN - 2nd floor
Survivors: Update Report on Status of Ukraine's Women, their Peace and Security, 2022-2023 - World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO)
- in English
The World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations and Co-Sponsors host an in-person parallel event on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023 at the United Nations Church Center, 4:30-6:00 pm Second Floor
Organizers: World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations, National Council of Women of Ukraine
Sponsors – Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations, ICW, ECICW
■ Khrystyna Hayovyshyn, Deputy Permanent Representatlve of Ukraine to the United Nations
■ Dr. Yevgeniya Petrova, Acting President, WFUWO
■ Dr. Lyudmyla Porokhnyak, President, NCW-Ukraine, Vice President ECICW
■ Dmytro Kaplun, Office of the Deputy PM for European and Euro-Atlantic lntegration
■ Martine Marandel, President, International Council of Women
■ Viviane Teitelbaum, President European Center of the ICW
On the first anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, the National Council of Women of Ukraine will share the results of a recent survey questionnaire exploring the effects of Russia’s war of aggression 2022-2023.. The panel will include NGO and official delegates of Ukraine to the CSW67 who will summarize changes to indicators of the status of Ukraine’s women and children. These will focus on the impact on fundamental human rights, and will include the witness testimonies of women pow’s.
Results of NCW-Ukraine Survey- presented by the National Council of Women of Ukraine (Maria Petrova, Tetiana Tarasova, Oksana Kravchenko).
Rounds of updates on women’s rlghts and gender equality, education, employment, mental health, humanitarian aid, war crimes, children’s rights, veterans’ needs, internai displacement,
national healing, ecology, energy infrastructure, genocide, prisoners of war, conflict-related sexual violence, abduction of children, women refugees in Poland, Europe, in wider diaspora.
■ Dr. Kateryna Levchenko, Ukraine Government Commissioner for Gender Equality Policy
■ Yevheniya Kravchuk, Parliament deputy, Vice-Chair, Humanitarian & Information Policy Committee
■ Dr. Lyudmyla Porokhnyak, President, National Council of Women of Ukraine
■ Uliana Tokarieva, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
■ Tetyana Berezhna, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
■ Natalia Karbowska, Director on Strategic Development, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, Kyiv
■ Olha Peru nova, Deputy Director, Hu man rights Monitoring, Ministry of Internai Affairs of Ukraine
■ Oksana Hryhoryeva, Gender Advisor to Commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine
■ Pavie Zamostian, Assistant Representative in Ukraine for United Nations Population Fund
■ Kateryna Pryjmak, Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Women Veteran Movement
■ Alina Doboszewska, Founder, Fundacja Dobra Wola, Poland
Moderator. Dr. Martha Kichorowska Kebalo, Main Representative to UN/ECOSOC for WFUWO

Wednesday 8 March 2023
4:30 to 6:00PM
CCUN 2nd Floor
777 United Nations Plaza, NY
9 March 2023 - 1:30 to 3:00 PM - online
Women's Health and Well-Being: Integrating Information and Communication Technologies, Universal Health Coverage, NCDs, and Policy
- in English
Co-sponsored by
Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations; International Council of Women (ICW-CIF); Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations (CCCUN); Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association International (PPSEAWA- INTL)
This event is the continuation of a long-term agenda to integrate women’s life course healthcare into the UN agenda with a focus on Universal Health Coverage (UHC), especially in context of the greatest burdens of global diseases. These include the major non-communicable diseases (NCDs), specifically, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and mental health and neurological conditions. With the challenges ofCovid-19, NCDs and information and communication technologies (ICTs) have taken center stage in relevance to healthcare.
With the growing emergence of the importance of ICTs with both positive and negative influences on physical and mental healthcare, women’s health and well-being must be addressed in a systematic and cohesive manner. Speakers will discuss examples and recommendations for the path forward.
Registration by 8 March to

Meet our Panelists
H.E. Vathayudh Vichankaiyakij
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Kingdome of Thailand to the United Nations
H.E. Juan Ramon de la Fuente
Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations
Mrs Surabhi Joshi
Technical Officer of the World Health Organization Digital Health and Innovations Department
Dr. Gita Mishra
Professor and Deputy Head, School of Public Health, University of Queensland, Australia
Bill Jeffrey, BA, LLB
Executive Director and General Legal Counsel, Center for Health Science and Law, Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Elizabeth Carll
Main UN Representative & Liaison Officer, New York, ICW-CIF; Chair, Global Mental Health and NCDs Work Group & Former Chair, UN NGO CMH, President, CCUN
15 March 2023 - 6 PM to 7:30 PM CET - virtual event
Innovation for and by women - UEF (Union of European Women), CNFF (Conseil National des Femmes Françaises), ONU Women France
- in French
Après un rappel de l’importance des femmes dans l’innovation à travers les temps, sera abordé l’impact de la pollution sur les femmes, le défi de l’iA pour le monde de demain, le défi énergétique, pour terminer sur la question majeure de l’éducation au numérique des femmes et des enfants.
The inclusive education of girls and young women in the digital world is essential, as is investment in the technical professions to combat gender stereotypes and avoid setbacks in equality between women and men.
Isabelle Lonvis-Rome
Ministre déléguée auprès de la Première ministre, chargée de l’Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes, de la Diversité et de l’Egalité des chances (sous réserve).
Dr. Jean-Baptiste Renard
Docteur en astronomie et techniques spatiales, Directeur de recherche au CNRS: « La pollution et les femmes »
Dr. Monique Martinet
Docteure en médecine, neurologue et pédopsychiatre, Présidente fondatrice de AIR: « Accompagnement des enfants handicapés »
Alice Benhamou Panetta
Présidente de Vivent Les Femmes, Vice-présidente internationale de la Commission du développement durable de l’EUW, Membre du Conseil national de l’UEF : « Innovation dans l’environnement : quels défis pour les énergies de demain »
Isabelle BLIN
Secrétaire générale adjointe d’ONU Femmes France, Past-Présidente de SupplémentdElles, Membre fondatrice de Financielles. Past Vice- présidente du Conseil National des Femmes Françaises : « L’intelligence artificielle et les femmes, un défi pour le monde de demain »
Marie-Claude Bertrand
Présidente du Conseil National des Femmes Françaises, Membre du bureau du Conseil International des Femmes, membre du Conseil National de l’UEF section française – Vice-présidente du CECIF – Past Vice-présidente Soroptimist International Europe – Past Présidente Soroptimist France – « Innovation dans l’éducation au numérique pour les femmes et les enfants »
Dr. Paule Nathan
Docteure en médecine, Présidente du Cercle Olympe de Gouges, Présidente d’Avenirs de femmes, membre du Conseil national de l’UEF section française : « la place de l’humain ».
Delphine O
Ambassadrice de France aux Nations Unies
Pascale Mesnil
Présidente de l’Union Européenne des Femmes Section Française, Présidente internationale de la commission des affaires internationales de l’European Union of Women, Vice-présidente de l’UEF Ile de France, Secrétaire Générale de la section française WISTA (Women’s Leaders in Maritime) : « Les femmes face à l’innovation».
Our Members' Events
6 March 2023 - 4:30 to 6:00 PM at CCUN - 8th floor
Digital education, including the violence inherent in its use - Regards de Femmes (affiliates of the CNFF)
- in French
• Introduction et Modératrice : Michèle VIANÈS Présidente
Regards de Femmes
• Loi du 3 aout 2018 renforçant la lutte contre les violences sexuelles et sexistes, dite « loi Schiappa » Marlène SCHIAPPA, Secrétaire d’État chargée de l’Économie Sociale et solidaire et de la Vie Associative.
• Les dangers inhérents à l’utilisation des outils numériques. Chantal
Soucy, Présidente du Réseau des femmes parlementaires de l’APF.
• Lutte contre l’abus et l’exploitation sexuelles d’enfants en ligne, guide pratique FrancoPol et OIF Patricia Herdt, Analyste
politique principale de l’OIF auprès des Nations Unies.
• La législation française contre la cyberviolence, Mireille Clapot, Députée, Présidente de la commission du numérique et des postes à l’Assemblée Nationale.
• Les applications numériques de prévention des violences : entre protection et liberté de déplacement, Soukaina Bouraoui, directrice exécutive de Cawtar et Présidente de la fondation des femmes de l’Euroméditerranée.

Monday 6 March 2023
4:30 to 6:00PM
CCUN 8th Floor
777 United Nations Plaza, NY
Republic of Indonesia - Side Event : 8 March 2023 - 8:15 to 9:30 AM at UN HQ - Conference Room A
Innovation, Technology and Education in the Digital Age for Achieving Gender Equality and The Empowerment of All Women and Girls in Area of : Non-Discrimination, Health Response, and Women With Disabilities
- in English
Welcoming Remarks : Dr. Ir. Giwo Rubianto, M.Pd – President of KOWANI
Opening Remarks : I Gusti Bintang Darmawati Puspayoga – Minister of Women’s Empowerment & Child, Republic of Indonesia
Keynote Speakers
• Anita Bhatia – Deputy Executive Director for U Coordination, Partnerships, Resources, and Sustainability at UN Women
• Dr. Natalia Kanem – Executive Director of UNFPA
1st Speaker : Geralyn S. Ritter – Organon
2nd Speaker : Elvira Marasco – W20 Italy Delegate
3rd Speaker : Ir. Rita Dondokambey – Chair of Indonesia Family Welfare Movement of North Sulawesi
4th Speaker : Dr. Ir. Hj. Sitti Rohmi Djalilah, M.Pd – Vice Govenor of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
5th Speaker : Dr. Sandhya Purecha – W20 India Delegate
Moderator : Hadriani Uli Tiur Silalahi – W20 India Delegate

Wednesday 8 March 2023
8:15 to 9:30 AM
E 46th St & 1st Ave, New York
9 March 2023 - 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
For women and girls to have rights: ensure birth registration - Regards de Femmes (affiliates of the CNFF) - in French
• Introduction et Modératrice : Michèle VIANÈS Présidente
Regards de Femmes
• Ouverture par SE Madame Ifigeneia Kontoleontos, Représentante
permanente de l’OIF à l’ONU New York,
• Action de la France à l’international en matière d’état civil pour
améliorer l’universalité et la fiabilité de l’enregistrement des faits
d’état civil, Panéliste à confirmer.
• Importance d’une meilleure prise en compte de l’égalité femmeshommes
dans les processus des faits d’état civil. Amina Boukary
ONG Fad Niger, partenaire de l’action pilote de l’OIF au Niger.
• L’identité juridique, indispensable pour la participation des femmes
aux processus électoraux. Lydienne Époubé, Députée du Cameroun,
Vice-Présidente du Réseau des femmes parlementaires
de l’APF.
• Identité juridique, passage obligé à l’accès à l’innovation, à la
technologie et à l’éducation à l’ère du numérique. Elodie Loué,
GOFEHF Actions dans les régions rurales de Côte d’Ivoire, partenariat
GOFEFH- Regards de Femmes avec le soutien du MEAE.
Débat et remarques

Thursday 9 March 2023
11:00 to 1:00PM
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
801 2nd Avenue, NY
10 March 2023 - 9:00 to 10:30 AM - virtual event
Sharing thoughts on mental healthcare for Ukraine’s refugees and IDPs
- World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO)
WFUWO World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations, Health Right International, the Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health, the International Council of Women, the CCCUN, the Refugee Mental Health Resource Network, the APA are honored to present a Virtual parallel event to take place in ZOOM on Friday March 10, 2023 at 9:00-10:30 am EST.
Here is the link to the event :
13 March 2023 - 7:00 to 8:30 AM - virtual event
Equal Rights to Property and Resources is must for Gender Equality - Bangladesh Mahila Parishad - in English
Zoom registration link :–trjovEtczyg1scQZkVTnVhVlRF_kO
Event Link :
Your virtual presence in this global program will encourage us as well as strengthen the women’s movement.
Meet the Panelists
Justice Krishna Debnath
Appellate Division, Bangladesh Supreme Court
Amit Das Gupta
Deputy Attorney General for Bangladesh, Lawyer, Appellate Division & High Court Division, Bangladesh Supreme Court
Nobonita Chowdhury
Director, Gender, Justice and Diversity (GJD) and Preventing Violence against Women Initiative, BRAC
Maleka Banu
General Secretary, BMP
Dr. Fauzia Moslem
President, BMP
14 March 2023 - 1:00 to 2:30 PM - virtual event
The Importance of Cybersecurity Safety and Education of Women and Girls - The Women Cybersecurity Society and the Vancouver Council of Women
The Women CyberSecurity Society and the Vancouver Council of Women are pleased to host this important parallel event in honour of International Women’s Month and the 67th Commission on the Status of Women.
Host: Lisa Kearney
Co-Host: Kerry Gibson
Moderator: Sobhana Jaya-Madhavan
Keynote: Hon. Dr. Hedy Fry
1:1 Discussion: Carol Todd – An Amanda Todd Legacy
Keynote: Benedicte Schoepflin
Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Time: 10 am / 11:30 am PT / 1 pm ET – 2:30 pm ET
Where: Virtual
Cost: Free
For more information and to register visit,